This last Tuesday night we held our 5th Annual Angel Tree gift giving event. We had a great turnout (27 HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS VOLUNTEERS). As in every year, we met at In & Out Burgers in Stevenson Ranch for food and fellowship.

We then loaded up on the GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH bus, driven by our own Hal Lary and headed to the Sun Valley-Pacoima area. We delivered gifts to 15 children.

For those who may not be aware of Angel Tree, it is a ministry of Prison Fellowship where volunteers go out and buy Christmas gifts for incarcerated parents to give to their children. Studies have shown that if you can keep the bond and relationship between an incarcerated parent and their child strong, you have an excellent chance of keeping that child from ending up in jail or prison.

It was a night of singing Christmas Carols to those families that we were visiting. Many a tear was shared and of course the love of Christ as well. We pray that through this program the bonds between the parents who are incarcerated and their children only grows stronger.
A special shout out to:

Grace Baptist Church for loaning us their bus
- In & Burgers (on the Old Road) for their terrific food
- La Quinta Inn & Resort (also on The Old Road) for helping us with parking
- And of course Angel Tree for making this ministry program possible.

Thank you also to our 27 HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS volunteers for all you do in making this such a success!! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!