The Alumni Group, which is held every Tuesday night (7PM) at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita continues to do well; supporting “our guys” and their families as well as they guys still incarcerated. For the two weeks that Cyndi and I were on vacation, Richard Badger taught on the importance of what they believe and how it affects and guides their lives… positively or negatively.
One of our Alumni, Robert D. helped out as Richard taught.  Thanks Robert.
Last week we celebrated the two year anniversary of sobriety for Bill H. Congratulations Bill. Keep up the good work! 

Everyone is invited to attend our Alumni meetings. Hope to see you there.


Last month in class we produced our 6th episode of ABOVE THE LINE. Our special guest was George Schlatter of LAUGH-IN fame.

The guys did a great job and really seemed to enjoy their day of production.
They created the set and set all the lights, ran the cameras and monitored the sound.

Good job to our students, much thanks to our volunteer instructors and to all of the Sheriff’s personnel!!    Looking forward to semester #10.


Hollywood Impact Studios celebrated it’s 3rd year anniversary at Pitchess Detention Center, this June. Thank you to all of our volunteer staff, our supporters and most of all God for this amazing ministry. We’re looking forward to the future!!


To all of our Hollywood Impact Studios Dad’s, we’d like to wish you all a very Happy Father’s Day from Gary and Cyndi and the entire Hollywood Impact Studios family.


Our Alumni Group, held at Grace Baptist Church is still struggling to find a full time instructor and admittedly some of our attendance has dropped off a bit, but for those who continue to faithfully attend, we are seeing some real positive results.   Families are getting stronger, men are supporting one another and strong healthy relationships are being created.

A couple of weeks ago, after our initial class, we all gathered around to signed and addressed cards and letters to send to the our HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS grads that are serving time “in State”.


We also gave out a very much overdue, “Best Writers Award” to Gerald Grant, who won that award back in our semester #3 class in 2010 for best original short screenplay.   Congrats Gerald!

For those of you interested in attending or coming back to join us at our Sheriff’s Department/HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS Alumni meeting, it’s held every Tuesday night at 7PM at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, room C-215.  Hope to see you there.


A few weeks ago, I challenged our students to come up with some of their thoughts for the blog. Below is one from Aaron who is currently incarcerated in South Facility, Pitchess Detention Center, Los Angeles County Jail.

“All the way to my childhood, I was a very troubled person.   In my family, there was a tremendous amount of fighting.  My brother and I got into some pretty bad fistfights when we were teenagers.  The neighbors would call the police because we would be out in the front yard beating each other up.  When there was any kind of tension or problems my way of solving it was anger, and that was all I knew.  I had some martial arts training; I was in Golden Gloves in high school. I knew how to fight and I got in many fights.  As I got older I found that my behavior as a child carried over into my adult life.  It only got worse when I enlisted in the U.S. Army.  I was always fighting in bars and regrettable, I hurt a lot of people, but most of all I harmed myself.  It landed me in jail.  I managed to alienate everyone who loved me in a very short time.  I felt alone most of my life and very much lost.

When I reflect on what has been a rough go in life, Gary and Cyndi Hall [HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS] reminded me that things in life would break apart and come together many times.  I remember  a video shown by Cyndi that was about the amazing transformation of butterflies and all the astounding things God did when he created them.   When I found Christ, my psyche was like being in the chrysalis.  I am finding that transforming into a new creation does not just happen once, but continually throughout life.   Galatians 6:2 tells us to bear each other’s burdens.   Gary shared with me that it is in the the difficulties of life that we find the chief work of love; essentially he said to comfort each other, again and again.   In that, I learned my trials of life have made me more humble, more contrite and more open to the guidance that I rejected before.   The fire I go through becomes my purifying agent.   What was chaotic at the time, ultimately had a healing effect, and sometimeS, when I am really fortunately, I look up in the sky and see a rainbow.  Then I remember that it could not have happened without the rain.”

Thank you Aaron.  


This semester we’re continuing to teach, editing, acting, careers of the television business, typing, Bible Studies and computer skills.   We’re now at the point where we begin teaching camera and lighting.    Our special guest instructor, Ryan Sheridan, will we be teaching these disciplines again this semester.  They guys really like his instruction.  He makes it so interesting and engaging.   Thank you Ryan!


“The Alumni” is a meeting held every Tuesday night at 7PM with those men who’ve been released from jail or prison and their family members that support them. Two weeks ago, one of our very first students from our semester #1 droppped by to visit. It was a real struggle for him for the first year he was out, but finally he was able to get a part time job in his given trade, butcher, at a grocery store. He has now been out three years, been promoted to manager of the meat market, has gotten married, is plugged in to his neighborhood church. Life is good. Congratuations!


Below is an interesting acticle from Gillen Entertainment, an interview from Director of Photography, David Libertella. I hope you find is interesting.


Cinematographer David Libertella

Approaching the Script

Libertella’s initial preparation for a film project begins with the script. “I read the script once through, reading aloud and paced so as to get a feel for the rhythm of the script.” He says, “I don’t begin consciously thinking about what shots or what lighting to employ until after I have read through it once and come to understand the story, the arc.”

Notetaking follows the first read-through. “I read it again and as I go through it I make notes, either in the margins or on a separate paper, about possible shots, color palettes, foreseeable problems to be solved.”

Camera Tips

Most young filmmakers begin shooting with a prosumer-level camera, such as the Panasonic DVX, long a workhorse for indie filmmakers. What does a new DP need to do when ready to film? “One of my first cameras,” says Libertella, “was the DVX, and after many years with it I can tell you to keep the gain low, and keep all your settings on manual. Manual focus, iris, zoom…the whole thing. You can learn a lot about how cameras work in general this way.”

Lighting Without a Budget

How does a filmmaker deal with no budget for lighting? “Be aware of what you can get away with,” Libertella says. “Sometimes all it takes is knowing what time of day to shoot to maximize the available light. If you really need a light and there is no budget, go to Home Depot and get some clamp-on lights. They’re dirt cheap. Bounce them into the ceiling or a piece of showcard.”

This article was re-printed on our blog with permisssion from Bob Gillen. To read more, please visit their website:


Thank you Bob Gillen!