We at HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS want to thank you for your help, support and prayers during 2014. We wish you and yours a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.
I am often teased that after 40 years in the television business I am still amazed by what I call “Hollywood Magic.” Well it happened again. Two weeks ago I watched the craftsmen on BONES turn an ordinary conference room into a doctor’s fancy waiting room in less than 24 hours.
Here’s how the conference room looked before…
And here’s how it looked 24 hours later… Movie Magic!
It just looks so real, until you go behind the walls…
Amazing! One little plug here… Watch BONES on Fox Thursday nights.
As part of HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS continuing education series, our alumni, along with some of our instructors and supporters recently visited the 20th Century Fox lot. We started our visit at the scoring stage which everyone truly enjoyed. A live orchestra scoring a television show is really something to see.
Afterwards we took off for a tour of the lot, visiting many of the historic sites of early Hollywood.
We went by and visited Bob Anger in Fox Grip, who gave a tour. What a great guy with a lot of knowledge and history.
We also toured wardrobe and New York Street (the Fox backlot).
We ended the day with lunch and a discussion on futures, jobs and life. It was truly a great day that everyone seems to enjoy.
I was talking to a friend about how interesting it is to see how each department in post production has their own idea of what is the most important component to a finished episode of television. The composer wants their music a little louder, the writer wants their words favored, the director of photography often wants the picture darker and so on… I explained that it takes a good executive producer to step back and look at the entire episode from start to finish and decide what is important, what is right and what is wrong and weave all of these elements together to make the best episode possible. My friend simply smiled and said, just like God does with our lives. He truly knows what is best for us. He is our Executive Producer.
Last weekend, the HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS family celebrated our 5th Anniversary at Sisley Italian Kitchen in Valencia. I am often late and this was no exception. Our actual anniversary was June 3rd, so plus or minus (2) months and we were right on time.
We could have invited a lot more since our little family has grown, but we kept it those people who were there from the very start… It was a real family affair…
It was a beautiful day on the patio and Sisley could not have done a better job. Great food and great service. (No they didn’t pay us to say that, it was true!)
At the end of the evening we gave everyone a small glass plaque, a small token of our gratitude.
To the next five years, God willing!!
Thanks to our friend, Josh Blaney, we have a “New & Improved” website. Now it will be easier to find helpful information on the site, find our blog, watch Hollywood Impact TV and even donate for those who are interested. We are currently working on supplying helpful resources as well. We really want this website to be a “go to” resource for our guys and gals, not just here in Los Angeles but anywhere in the world. Let us know what you think of the new look. Thank you Josh!!!! Here goes my first post on the new blog site.
Interesting Perspective

Most all of the equipment we use in our program has been donated. Much it from 20th Century Fox and their former employees.
None of it is new, all of it used; during this equipment’s life it has been used on some of the biggest movies and television series, but now it has blemishes on it…
…rust on the light stands, missing pieces,small patches or stains on the lighting silks, but it all still works.
As I watch us use this equipment I wonder which movie stars it lit in its past life. It makes me smile to see it being used again, for good and noble purposes, for helping to change lives and light the paths of new futures.
As one of our instructors once pointed out, this equipment has been redeemed just like our students… just like all of us…
We are so thankful to have this equipment and put it back to work!
Surprise Gift
LASD (Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department) Alumni Meeting counselor and friend Richard Badger and I went to the National Association of Broadcasters convention (NAB) in Las Vegas recently. On our way there, we dropped by to pick-up a special gift built by one of our HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS former students, Charles Roseland, and his wife.
I told Richard to get in the picture…no, he’s not that short, he’s just silly. Charlie and Amberly, thank you so much for all your hard work in building our flag box, it will be put to good use.
April 2014 – 2 – News and Updates
We are nearing the end of this semester in which we have been spending more time with editing than in previous semesters. Our students are nearly done with their projects in which they are editing pictures to some Paul Harvey radio shows. The messages on the Paul Harvey are powerful that we feel are good for “our guys” to hear.